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How to Actually Achieve a Velvety Texture in Your Red Velvet Cake

The outdo red velvety cake recipes cause a secret ingredient that makes sure the cake lives adequate to its name. Fortunately, that ingredient is cheap and super easy to find!

Two things everyone can agree happening regarding Ruddy Velvet cake: it has a soft, velvety texture, and it's red. I know, that seems laughably obvious, only there's not more concord astir anything else. Even the best Violent Velvet coat recipes differ on ingredients (and don't get me started on the debate all over frosting), so we'll learn those two things as an achievement. Even the "red" has been disputed. Some researchers claim the name comes from the mahogany-red hue of the chocolate, operating room because brown sugar accustomed be called "blood-red sugar" aft in the mean solar day. But the nigh faithfully attributable story involves virtuous preceding American capitalism. Patc Victorian-Era cooks successful "velvety" cakes, the brilliantly colored Red Velvet cake debuted when John President Adams, of the John Adams Extract Company, adapted an existing cake formula, added a generous dose of coloured food color, and packaged it under its now-famous name.

So, what about the velvet part? The fine crumb and unseamed texture is virtual to a proper Red Velvet cake. Cooks in the 1800s used almond flour or cornstarch to make "velvet-textured cakes," but you'd be hard-pressed to find a modern Cherry Velvet recipe victimisation almond flour. Instead, there's a variety of Red Velvet patty recipes, all claiming to be the real one.

The Essential Ingredient for Red-faced Velvet Cake

There are some commonalities: They all use sodium bicarbonate, and all have some sort of caustic component (usually acetum or buttermilk—or both). That vitriolic-and-soda combination is a clew to the real secret of a brightness level, silky cake texture, disregarding which specific recipe you use. Acid and saleratus react, creating bubbles. Lots and scads of air bubbles.

Psst! Here are 8 reasons why expert cooks always add virulent to their recipes.

Though to get the most velvety cake texture, you must too perfect your proficiency. This means acquiring lots and mountain of air into your batter and past reach sure it stays there. Essentially, this substance beating ingredients to a comme il faut stop and so stopping at the right time as non to overmix your ingredients. Hera are a few great recipes to start with; our standard Grandma's Red Velvet-textured Coat, operating theater our interpretation that uses shortening in place of butter, or even our Peppermint Cerise Velvet-textured Cake.

Tips for How to Achieve the Top-quality Red Velvet Coat

Lend oneself the following tips to your favorite recipe and you'll end up with pillowy-soft Red Soft perfection, all time.

red velvet cake face cut to texture and cream Photo: Shutterstock / Kawin Ounprasertsuk

1. Cream it superb.

As the opening move, cream your butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Do not skimp on this. Your butter commixture should represent pale in color, and the consistency should be airy and light. The electric sander and lighter the butter salmagundi is, the more cursorily it'll cartel with the wet ingredients and flour.

Skimping on this step is one of the just about common cake mistakes.

2. Beat the egg.

Total eggs to the butter mix one at a time, beating fit afterward each addition. Dumping a mass of ingredients all told at once collapses air bubbles, which is intense. A little at a clock time, and you preserve your texture. Some cooks even separate the eggs, beating only the yolks into the creamed butter variety, past rhythmic the whites into a bubbly sparkle and adding them as the very last step before baking.

Learn if you're using the right type of egg for your formula, here.

3. Work in subsets.

Whenever possible, mix ingredients in front adding them to the creamed butter mixture. Combine dry ingredients and your wet ingredients separately, instead of adding each fixings one at a clock. This will reduce the amount of mixture time it takes to add them to the butter mixture.

4. Sift the rainless ingredients.

Winnowing your dry ingredients serves deuce purposes. It breaks down tumid clumps, qualification it combine faster, and—you guessed information technology—it adds air. Some cooks use cake flour, which is finer grained and needs less sifting. You bum also utilise a whisk to stir the dry out ingredients and fluff them up.

 5. Make sure not to overmix.

Add the wet and adust ingredients to the butter mixture in small amounts, alternating between bone-dry and dripping, opening and termination with the flour mixture. Beat after each addition, exactly until combined. Again, adding ingredients a little at a time preserve the air bubbles, which successively makes your cake light. Do not overmix!

As you can see, the possessive theme is air. Digestible and fluffy butter salmagundi, with lots of air. Sifted dry ingredients, with dozens of air. Vinegar and hot soda water reacting, creating … gobs of air. That air is the orphic to the fine, silky texture that all experts agree is extraordinary of Red Velvet Coat's defining features. Now, if we could just agree on what kind of frosting it should have…

Try Our Best Red Velvety Recipes
